Taking a Stance

It’s 8:30 a.m. on a Sunday in August as we enter the gate to Twin Star Orchards in the Hudson Valley in New York. My husband and I and another woman follow a pretty young tai chi instructor in white garb past the red barn of Brooklyn Cider House and nearby pavilion to the side of a pond. Honking Canada geese fly low and cruise to a stop in the water. Trees laden with ripening apples surround us, neat rows fanning out to far fields.

A weeping willow casts feathery shadows on us as Instructor Jing Shuai pours cups of green tea. The air temperature reaches 60 degrees, and the sun is warming our backs as we face the still water in an opening tai chi stance for the first lesson of the day: Relax.

For Vince and me, this is one of three utterly tranquil spots on Earth where we’ve joined others in practicing this martial art, over time learning its 108 lyrically named postures: Once in Belize on a rooftop deck of a house facing the Caribbean where ex-pats led a class of newbies and more recently with Taoist Tai Chi students in a city park overlooking a St. Petersburg, Florida, marina. In Belize, exotic birds filled the air with their cries and a mammoth frigate bird soared. In St. Petersburg, blue jays chattered in the trees and egrets swooped over moored sailboats. At such exquisite moments, I am deeply moved and grateful.

On this beautiful Hudson Valley day, the tai chi instructor says accepting the colliding energies of the universe demands quick wits and quick moves – to back away from the reach of an attacker, to turn in smooth deflection, to assume a sturdy posture of defense or execute a rapid counter-attack. Sounds right to me.

These days, I find relaxing a stretch - with America itself in danger from within. So, I adopt something of a mental, martial-art stance in the comment section of The New York Times. Nothing less will do when responding to word of the potty-mouthed Anthony Scaramucci and to the insufferable Ken Starr cautioning against too far-reaching investigations of the whiny man on vacation from the “dump” he’s forced to inhabit.

In all ways, I’m seeking balance as a stance in life that keeps me from being knocked down by malevolent forces. It’s not as if I’ll be here forever. One of these days, I’ll be a feathery shadow on a few lives left behind and with no ink spilled on Internet comment pages to make a fleeting point or defend anyone. For now, I must act with like-minded Americans who circled the Capital, protesting into the night against the repeal of healthcare. I will defend our gorgeous planet and precious human rights. 

There is Yin and Yang, light and dark contrary forces. Given cause, I execute a tai chi Single Whip to the errant far-right! A Brush Knee to deflect those who would tear down our social safety nets. I can Wave Hands Like Clouds to ward off dark forces bent on destroying liberties. Then, too, I will be ready to bow and cover a “boundless” right fist with my left hand to engage peacefully with the world.

Taking a Stance in The New York Times

ReggieM August 6, 2017
Florida 1 day ago

Despicable Ken Starr may look like the solid citizen in dark suit who counts the coins collected at Sunday service; but he is never to be trusted.

Ken Starr trampled Monica Lewinsky’s right to privacy in revealing her therapist’s notes. Such men will stop at nothing to get what they want. It is galling to hear him caution a worthy public servant.

If this public servant finds that the president ushered in by the Electoral College dabbled in crookery beyond the 2016 election, are we not to glance that way? Would that be beyond the pale for the purist Ken Starr? He insults us all by showing his face, let alone opining on what is prudent and lawful. Be gone! We have enough problems without a nasty blast from the past.
• 140 Recommend 

 Florida July 30, 2017

I find this so-called president and his new Mooch horrifying. Here are two reprehensible men who somehow got Ivy-League degrees but went out of their way to avoid acquiring an education. Two crude dudes who show vast wealth cannot buy an iota of class or grace or substance, just air time on Fox News.

To hear that Boy Scouts were encouraged to boo former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton is to be reminded of the young Nazi Brown Shirts. Ugly is putting it mildly.
Who will spare us this nightmare? Certainly not the Republicans who ushered in a hateful era and tried but so far failed to upend decent healthcare for Americans. To those who are happy with this mess, I ask, how could you do this to our country?
• 827 Recommend

• ReggieM
•  Florida July 13, 2017

You are so right, Charles Blow. Please keep directing your “withering gaze” on this pariah. 

Lest we forget: Trump’s success was abetted by the outrageous character assassination of Hillary Clinton and the dereliction of duty by Electoral College members who should protect the country from such a dangerous man.

They make hay. Each day, we watch Republicans - out to destroy rules protecting the Earth, basic rights of citizens to have health care and a chance at affordable higher education and consumer protections. They mock separation of church and state, invade privacy with attacks on reproductive rights and, of course, they rally to enrich themselves and the richest among us.

All this news is fine with the misogynists – news filtered in their daily dose of Howard Stern, Don Imus, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh or hometown shock jocks. But, elected officials who knew better did what they did to our country to accommodate this resentful bunch and gain power. We tire of asking them – Have you no shame? The answer is no.

Florida July 3, 2017

The 45th relies heavily on a calculating pose: “I’m crazy, so, there is nothing you can do to stop me.” It is risky gamesmanship – from the gutter. He is counting on us breaking before he does. 

Republicans have gotten too comfortable with the gutter and insanity. I’m reminded of a mock 2016 SNL news interview with a woman - satirizing the type then sitting on cable news panels. When repeatedly confronted with facts, the glassy-eyed Stepford Wife defended the indefensible, much to the interviewer’s frustration. Finally, the Trump defender shrugged off her brush with reality, saying, “Crazy don’t break.” 

So, he is not breaking, and they’re aiming to be crazy with him as he body slams civilized society. Thank you, Charles Blow, for so forcefully affirming this behavior is not normal, not acceptable and must not stand.

Florida 1 day ago

Trump makes 70-year olds look bad. Seeing him, you’d think they’re all overwhelmed by reality, technology, morality, civility. Well, I’m with Cher when I say, “Snap out of it!” people.

The man knows what he’s doing with his offensive words - diverting attention from Russian interference in the presidential campaign and House and Senate attempts to tear down social safety nets. He does not represent senior Americans who respect others, exhibit manners, read, spell correctly, know how to count the extra three million people who voted for Hillary and heed the counsel of years.

But, what excuse does Paul Ryan have, complaining the resistance to Republican cruelty is getting “hysterical?” Really? Hysteria is a pesky word – a disease historically associated with women. Like women get when they are, how’s does Trump put it all too often – bleeding? I say Paul Ryan is offensive, too.
• 450 Recommend

Florida 1 hour ago August 7, 2017

Archie Bunker gave us Trump 1.0 in the 1970s. Week after week, his theme song whined, “Guys like us, we had it made, those were the days.” Remember Archie’s contempt for higher education, his put downs of the hand-wringing and occasionally feisty Edith, his beef with changing reality. His job and neighborhood were no longer his province alone. Given half a chance, upwardly mobile, non-whites could get a shot at both prizes. They got half a chance, and the Bunkers of the world still grip the arms of their Lazy Boys, seething. One sits in the White House and calls it a dump.

The upper middle class has been reeling since the 1980s. Middle-management types – gutted from “stream-lining” corporations - were shocked by how easy it was for firms to set them adrift – forget loyalty. And how many displaced executives could sell Amway or other multi-level marketing wares to each other? Tough times.

This misery translated for Republicans into the government’s failure – a conclusion shared by those averse to paying for government programs. You can’t win for losing with people whose expectations never jive with the world they inhabit.

In our shame-based society, people refuse to admit it was strictly business that got them where they are. Trump – Bannon just echo the shaming and fear of old man, Archie. Hand-wringing wives hold their tongues. Some occasionally get feisty and refuse to hold hands.

One place to take a stance

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