What the Hill!

Anyone who's happened upon this blog since I launched it in March 2006 knows I've rarely venture into current events; although, as a former reporter, I am and always will be a news hound.

So far, my blog hasn't prompted any cyber bullies to insult my ancestry. Let's see what the future holds as I celebrate Hillary Clinton's excellent achievement in reaching the number of delegates to be declared the presumptive candidate for president on the 2016 Democratic Party ticket. Way to go!

This milestone is doubly exciting because the woman is supremely qualified and a certifiably decent human being with a lifetime devoted to the common good and service to our country.

Yet, as I watched Ms. Clinton's eloquent June 7 speech, I had to ask myself, "How do we explain to our children and grandchildren why it took so very long to reach this historic milestone? Even mentioning to them that women didn't have the vote until 1919 would cast doubt on what children may have innocently assumed to be the certainty of equality for women.

Dare we mention to them women fought for the right to vote and faced ridicule and resistance? Physical resistance. How about explaining  the continuing battle for equal employment opportunity and equal pay - tenets of the feminism so many of its fortunate beneficiaries distain as ... unfeminine?  

We risk facing a squirm-worthy moment with our young. Worse than admitting there is no Santa, no Easter Bunny, no Tooth Fairy. Do we say, "Once upon a time, there was a free country established for some people, and we aim to make it free for everyone?"

As our current, historic President Barack Obama ever advises, we must move on. Fast forward. Not cast too long a look back and risk turning us all into frozen pillars of outrage. Having endured more than his share of attacks and resistance, the president is acquainted with such forbearance.

As recently as June 10, Georgia's Republican Senator David Perdue quoted an Old Testament psalm to Christians at a conference recommending they pray the president's "Days be few." Surely those Christians, so well-versed in the OT, must know this psalm goes on to curse "His children be orphans and his wife a widow." Talk about inside jokes!  How about instead borrowing a line from an old hymn, "Grant him wisdom, grant him courage for the living of these days."

Seems we have a ways to go explaining what Mitt Romney termed, "Trickle down racism." Then, too, there is the despicable, misogynistic method of rating women. And homophobia. And xenophobia.

We have to advance beyond Hillary Clinton's major achievement to win an election. After November, let's, as they say, "Have that conversation."

Hillary Clinton brought us to this point and has paid dearly for it. Still, she envisions an America our children can be proud to inhabit. And, lucky for us, her mother taught her how to stand up to bullies.

Mine did, too.

by Reggie Morrisey



Up pretty close with Hillary Clinton and Tampa, Florida Mayor Bob Buckhorn at March 2016 Rally

Up pretty close with Hillary Clinton and Tampa, Florida Mayor Bob Buckhorn at March 2016 Rally

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