
Soon, we'll reach the tipping point, when languid summer spills into a bustling fall. Yet, distinct sounds vie for our attention now; the rustle of tree leaves and bounce of full-blossomed flowers; swaying marsh grass; ever-flowing water against a shore; the dash of hummingbird wings; a wind chime rustling up a thunderstorm.

Each morning, nature tunes the instruments of the day. Whether you are young or simply young at heart, taking note of the summer's tones can be as delicious as pausing to lick an ice cream cone.

You are welcome to consider a handful of poems I've written over the years, inspired by the sounds of summer. If you are in the midst of a city, in a wintry hemisphere or out at sea and away from summer delights, click to listen for instant recall. 

Watching Jenny Mow 2005

Vincenzo's 40-Something Birthday 1990

Foreground 1995

Mother Mine 1980

Visit the Listening Booth for other poetry readings.

Perfect Path by Vincent Mancuso

Perfect Path by Vincent Mancuso

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